New Horizons Financial Group (New Horizons) is a nationally recognized financial services consulting firm with expertise in the areas of comprehensive credit risk management, credit process, loan policy development, asset quality rating frameworks, risk-based pricing and lender development.
New Horizons objective in any consulting engagement is to work with all centers of influence within the organization to develop solutions that can be implemented and supported at all levels. These solutions are designed to enhance the institution’s ability to manage portfolio credit risk while being responsive to and competitive within its defined market.
New Horizons objective in any teaching engagement is to provide fundamental as well as cutting edge credit training using personal experience, real world examples and pertinent case studies to make the presentation a meaningful, informative, and entertaining learning experience. Customized in house training programs, a New Horizons specialty, are designed to cover a broad range of credit topics while reinforcing the client bank’s lending philosophy, credit culture, credit process and underwriting guidelines.
New Horizons has also developed a Commercial Lending curriculum (Curriculum) which is the foundation for a week-long commercial lending school currently offered by 12 state banking associations. The Curriculum consisting of instructor and student manuals, is copyrighted and licensed to the state banking associations for their exclusive use only.